Level of Health Literacy among Older Adults Served in Two Community Rehabilitation Centers

dc.creatorUniversidad San Sebastián
dc.creatorUniversidad San Sebastián
dc.creatorUniversidad San Sebastián
dc.creatorUniversidad San Sebastián
dc.creatorUniversidad San Sebastián
dc.creatorUniversidad San Sebastián
dc.creatorPizarro Mena, Rafael Andrés
dc.creatorTorrejón-Peces, Daniela
dc.creatorDurán Agüero, Samuel Atilio
dc.creatorVásquez-Vergara, Ruby
dc.description.abstractAims. To determine the level of Health Literacy (SA) in the older adult population of 2 Community Rehabilitation Centers in the North of Chile Settings and Design. descriptive and cross-sectional study Methods and Material. The Short Assessment of Health Literacy for Spanish-Speaking Adults Questionnaire (SAHLSA-50) was applied, which assesses health literacy in MA attended in 2 Community Rehabilitation Centers in the North of Chile. Statistical analysis used. When comparing groups that had normal variables, the Student's t test was used, for 3 or more groups the ANOVA test was used. For categorical variables, the Chi-square test was used Results. 221 older people were interviewed. Average age 72.7 ± 5.9 years, 70.7% women. 79.5% of the elderly have adequate SA. The differences in the score of the SAHLSA-50 questionnaire were presented with the schooling of the participants, the higher the score the higher the schooling (p
dc.relationJournal of Negative and No Positive Results
dc.titleNivel de Alfabetización en Salud entre Adultos Mayores Atendidos en Dos Centros Comunitarios de Rehabilitación
dc.titleLevel of Health Literacy among Older Adults Served in Two Community Rehabilitation Centers

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