Interacción Endometrio Trofoblasto, en la Implantación Humana: Revisión de la literatura
Prieto Gomez, Ruth
Vidal Seguel, Nicolas Enrique
Lizama Perez, Rodrigo Alberto
Miranda Krause, Ricardo Esteban
Nahuelcura Millan, Nestor Eusebio
Ortega Silva, Marcelo Eduardo
Ernesto Ottone, Nicolas
Deppe, Mariana
A successful pregnancy requires a series of interactions, mediated by hormonal, molecular and immunomodulation phenomena. One of these interactions is between the endometrium and the blastocyst, before and during the implantation process. The objective of this literature review is to complement what is described in the classic human embryology literature on endometrial-blastocyst interaction. The bibliographic search was carried out in the MEDLINE database using the terms "implantation", "endometrium" and "embryo", and a manual search was carried out, which included articles from non-indexed journals, textbooks and atlases. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were considered for the selection of articles and other bibliographic resources, including human studies, review and experimentation articles, published in the last 5 years. Articles with animals as experimental subjects, in vitro fertility studies, associated pathologies and articles not related to the subject were excluded. When the selection was completed, the complete texts were examined, in which the exclusion criteria were applied again The search yielded a total of 560 articles, whose analysis of titles and abstracts resulted in 475 excluded works, in relation to different exclusion criteria described above. Therefore, 85 articles were obtained, in which the complete text analysis was performed. From these articles, a total of 34 studies were obtained and the contents selected in this review were: Endometrium, Endometrium trophoblast,Aposition,Adhesion and Migration-Invasion. During the implantation, aninteraction between the endometrium and the trophoblast is generated, with the participation of regulatory molecules of proliferation and differentiation, such as hormonal, molecular and gene expression factors. I lowever, the specific mechanisms of action and interaction must continue to be investigated, to answer questions in the field of human growth and development.