Now showing items 1-10 of 9312
Security Threats in Volunteer Computing Environments Using the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC)
Volunteer Computing is a low cost and easy deployable solution for scientific projects that require large amounts of computational power. Volunteer computing public access capabilities comes with several security threats ...
State of the Art for String Analysis and Pattern Search Using CPU and GPU Based Programming
String matching algorithms are an important piece in the network intrusion detection systems. In these systems, the chain coincidence algorithms occupy more than half the CPU process time. The GPU technology has sh ow ed ...
Emerging Threats, Risk and Attacks in Distributed Systems: Cloud Computing
Nowadays Cloud Computing provides anew paradigm to organizations, offering advantages, not only for its speed but also for the opportunity of save costs when implementing new applications, by just paying for the resources ...
SICROIN: Platform for the greenhouse care of the orchid peristeria elata
The destruction of forests in Panama, the effects of climate change, collectors and illegal trafficking has led to Orchid Peristeria Elata having the status of endangered species. Known in Panama under the name Flower of ...
Opportunity offered by the Empowerment ICT: A Survey ICT and Empowerment in the Espigadilla
ICT could redesign the health service environment in a more representative way. Replacing structures and models centered in the patient, achieving objectives y immediate goals of active participation through the empowerment ...
Framework Based on Ontologies for Palliative Care of Patients with Breast Cancer
(Applied Medical Informatics Technology Platform Vol. 37, 2015-09-15)
The use of information technology solutions has become an innovative way to treat patients in hospitals. The creation of a framework based on the development of ontology to structure information on patients with breast ...
Towards A Model Of Knowledge Extraction Of Text Mining For Palliative Care Patients In Panama. [Full Text]
Solutions using information technology is an innovative way to manage the information hospice patients in hospitals in Panama. The application of techniques of text mining for the domain of medicine, especially information ...
Manual de Open Journal System (OJS), Rol de gestor
Manual de usuario del rol de gestor para el uso de la plataforma Open Journal System del Portal de Revistas de la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá
Technologies to Better Serve the Millions of Diabetic Patients: A Holistic, Interactive and Persuasive ICT Model to Facilitate Self Care, in Extremely Poor Rural Zones of Central America
Health indicators express remarkable gaps between health systems at a world-wide level. Countries of the entire world are overflowed by the need of new strategies, methodologies and technologies to better serve the millions ...
eHealth Management Platform for Screening and Prediction of Down’s Syndrome in the Republic of Panama
Through engineering projects, we have integrated software engineering, geographical information systems and HL7 standard to propose a model of an eHealth management platform for Down’s syndrome screening, replicable in all ...