Realización, exhibición y reflexión teórica del cortometraje. La última casa
Carrión Marín, María Eugenia
Quimis Gutiérrez, José Antonio
Ayala Camacho, Mariel Rosalía
The film project of the short film La última casa has two textual components: the
production folder and the individual essays by area, and a third audiovisual component,
which is the short film. And from this, the analytical essays that theoretically support the
proposals corresponding to the areas of Production, Direction, and Sound. These essays
are entitled respectively: Strategies to minimize the cost of the production of the short film
The La última casa; Spatiality and mise-en-scène in the directing of the short film La
última casa; and, Sound effects: narration and subtext in the film project La última casa.
Through this research, each of the proposals in the specified areas, applied in the making
of the short film, which is presented as the third component of our project, are supported.
We hope to contribute to the study of audiovisual production, film direction and sound
direction in the reflection of national film theory.