Propuesta para optimización sistemas de malla de puesta a tierra de las áreas de producción de UCEM - Planta Guapán
Barbecho Jimbo, John Fabricio
Pérez Quiñónez, Carlos Andrés (PENDIENTE TITULACIÓN)
The present investigative work was developed with the objective of evaluating the existing grounding system in the Industrias Guapán plant and generating an optimization proposal for it. To measure the resistance and resistivity values, the clamp-on method and the Wenner method are applied, respectively. The equipment used in this project is the Amprobe GP-2 Geotest ground resistance and resistivity tester and the HT-T2000 resistance measurement clamp. In addition, Schwarz and Sverak equations are performed for the calculation of the current locations and the projection of the new grounding system. The IEEE std.80: IEEE Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding and CPE INEN 19: 2001 Código Eléctrico Nacional are mainly used for this purpose.