Strong gravitational lensing as a probe of structure from small to large scale
2018-07Registro en:
Rojas K. (2018). Strong gravitational lensing as a probe of structure from small to large scale (Tesis de postgrado). Universidad de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile.
Rojas Olate, Karina
The gravitational lens effect occurs when the light is deflected by a gravitational field, generating multiple images or arcs. This powerful technique allows us to study structures at different scales in the universe that are usually related to different astrophysical problems. For instance, the characterization of dark objects in our galaxy (structure and mass distribution), the compact objects in the galaxy halos, the inner structure of quasars. Furthermore, it can be used to probe the cosmological model, for example through estimations of the Hubble constant (H0) and the mass distribution profile in galaxies, groups and cluster of galaxies.
In this work I studied different structures that are affected or produced by grav- itational effect. In our galaxy at interstellar scale, I searched for microlensing effects in a region of the VISTA Variable in the V´ıa L´actea Survey (VVV). At galaxy-size scale, I studied the microlensing effect in lensed quasars to estimate the size (rs) and temperature profile (p) of their accretion disks and the effect of microlensing on time delay (∆t) measurements (related to H0). At cosmological scales, I performed a dynamical analysis for groups and clusters of galaxies to finally study the mass distribution profile in their halos.
To reach these objectives I used visual and infrared images, spectroscopic data, models and simulations. The results presented in this thesis have been published in Rojas et al. (2014); Minniti et al. (2015); Verdugo et al. (2016); Motta et al. (2017); Courbin et al. (2018); Bonvin et al. (2018) among others, and part of the work is in preparation to be publish in Rojas et al. in prep(a,b), among others.