A escrita de surdos em língua portuguesa no ensino superior: desafios da prática.
2021-09-09Registration in:
HUTZLER, René Ribeiro. A escrita de surdos em língua portuguesa no ensino superior : desafios da prática. 2021. 71 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Católica de Pernambuco. Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Linguagem.. Mestrado em Ciências da Linguagem, 2021.
Hutzler, René Ribeiro
The Portuguese Language written by deaf who attend College is the theme of this research, with the aim of analyzing through college deaf narratives the challenges they face to write in Portuguese Language. This problem has been increasing daily, in face of their difficulties, one of the most important being the teaching of that language as if it was for hearing people, demotivating the group to learn it, as it is the official language of Brazil together with LIBRAS (Lingua Brasileira de Sinais – Brazilian Sign Language), recognized in the country as the most used communication option by the deaf. For the theoretical fundament we used authors as Gesser, Quadros, Couto e Castro, Lacerda, Fernandes, among others. We choose to employ the qualitative methodology, descriptive following the orientation of Gil, Lakatos, Minayo. To gather data we applied a semi-structured interview with eight (08) deaf high education students with 12 questions. The data analysis was inspired in Bardin and his contents analysis theory. The results of the research help to better understand the challenges faced by the deaf college student on the Portuguese Language, showing some ways to minimize their effects. The deaf students showed that they cannot, in general, count on the support of Portuguese Language teachers on higher education, because they don’t know the deaf characteristics and needs. Most students had help from their families, some faced the challenge of learning the Portuguese Language by themselves. Even being users of LIBRAS, they tried to read more, write, check the words on the dictionary, study more and obtain better results writing texts and, by this way, personal satisfaction. We can also affirm that training of high education teachers on the teaching of Portuguese Language as a second language for deaf is not common on Pedagogy and Languages.