Universidade, desenvolvimento regional e exclusão social: o projeto pessoal e profissional dos acadêmicos de pedagogia, administração e serviço social da URI - campus de Frederico Westphalen
Blatt, Ivo
This research project discusses and analyses in which ways the study at URI, based on the political-pedagogical projects of the University and Courses, contributes to the formation of professionals as social agents of regional development, in a perspective of a society with social justice and participation. Through the articulation between: regional development, social inclusion/exclusion and participation, there is reflected the relation and meaning of a Communitarian Institution in terms of formation of new agents for the insertion and participation in the promotion and construction of a new paradigm of integral development, human and social, in the perspective of answering the questions of the research project, if URI overcomes the challenge of graduating agents, not only with abilities and technical competence, but also with social, human and ethical competence, making possible a critical, active, and emancipatory insertion in the context of the regional community and society. The theoretical concept of