Agriculture and rural prosperity in the Caribbean 2013-2014. Highlihts of IICA's Technical Cooperation
Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)
This Special Report provides a summary of the key results obtained in 2013-2014 by our IICA offices across the 15 Member States in the Caribbean Region, including Belize, which is a CARICOM Member state. The document also reports on results achieved under strategic partnerships, including with the EU through the Intra-ACP Agriculture Policy Programme (APP), which we are implementing in partnership with CARDI and CARICOM, and the SPS capacitybuilding project, which is aimed at building resilience and competitiveness in agriculture and fisheries to improve access to market opportunities and trade. In addition to these projects, we are also pleased to report on the success of a training programme tailored specifically for the Caribbean Region, and funded by the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) of Mexico. To date, 143 Caribbean professionals have received training at technical centres in six courses that were identified as priorities for the Region.
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