Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (Costa Rica)
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Webinar: Addressing climate channge in agriculture possibilities for the future.
(2023-07-04)Highlight the importance of capacity building as a means to better address the impacts of climate change, the barriers that the sector faces in terms of adaptation and mitigation, as well as ideas and actions that can be ... -
Webinar Technology Adaptation
(2023-07-04)To share about market barriers to the transformation of Caribbean agriculture to climate resilient production systems. Trade off analysis, measuring the impact of climate change and adaptation assessment on Caribbean ... -
Webinar National Agriculture Green House Gas (GHG) data collection in the Caribbean. Lessons Learned
(2023-07-04)This session will provide participants with information on the importance of greenhouse gas emission managment data, GHG the Caribbean region, best practices for GHG inventory and training offered by GreenHouse Gas Managment ... -
IICA En Acción, Especial, Segunda Parte, Expertos en biocombustibles nos cuentan sobre la recién creada Coalición Panamericana de Biocombustibles Líquidos
(2023-07-25)IICA En Acción, Especial, Segunda Parte, de la entrevista con tres expertos de las Américas sobre los avances y desafíos en el sector de biocombustibles. Las oportunidades y el rol central de las políticas públicas.