Media literacy and digital skills for enhancing critcal thinking in networked society
Pérez-Escoda, Ana (1)
García-Ruiz, Rosa
Aguaded, Ignacio
Castro-Zubizarreta, Ana
The development of media literacy and digital skills in citizenship is one of the main challenges acknowledged within the context of the European Union's 2020 Strategy. Boosting these digital skills and media literacy as necessary requirements in the digital society are viewed as essential, and must be included in the educational curriculum. In general programs and educational policies, the key issue for implementing effective measures and specific actions is to foster critical thinking within media literacy education to achieve a true integration of media and digital skills in educational contexts. In this regard, this essay presents a research project for an effective and active inclusion of media literacy; for critical participation of citizens in the digital society. The main goal of the study presented, although the project has broader scopes, is to first conduct in-depth review of the state of the art in order to compare international models and issues. The study of media literacy and digital competences will help establish the main dimensions for this study. This project aims to provide evidence-based guidance to those responsible for the education of children and young people on the proper use of the available digital media tools and knowledge, that is, teachers and families. To achieve this objective a first step is taken in the reviewing of national and international studies and programs by collecting different proposals of dimensions in the study of media literacy and digital skills. The result is a design of key dimensions for the present study that will serve to collect data demonstrating the impact that digital media are having in the new consumption habits of children and young people outside of the classroom. These dimensions will be the bases for the design of an assessment instrument.