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Mathias Andres Persico San Martin
Tridente S. A
The Overall Objective During the Scale Program is To Increase the Team Get Through the Death Valley Increase Our Traction And To Launch Abroad Settling Our Main Hq In Chile. Uanbai As a Payment Platform Cant Charge a Lot Of Money Per Transaction Rather a Very Small Amount. Therefore It Relies On a Big Number Of Transactions To Become Profitable. Yet Our Great Rate Of Repurchase (over 87%) Demonstrates That Our Product is Highly Appreciated And That We Are In the Right Track. So In Order To Grow On Sales And Traction is Crucial Increase Our Awarness With Marketing And To Increase Our Team With Sales People. Also Its Crucial For Us Invest On a Development Team Hiring Programmers And Designers so We Can Release Better Versions Of Our Product Faster And Build a Better Platform. Uanbai is a Platform That Enables Payments To Social Media Using Direct Messages. From Paying Bills To Peer-to-peer Money Transactions (such As a Transfer Or a Purchase) With Uanbai You Can Pay Or Receive Money With Ease From Your Own Social Media Account. Corporación de Fomento de la Producción