Design aplicado a um livro de receitas infantis
2013-09-25Registro en:
SHIMABUKURO, Mariane Hatsue. Design aplicado a um livro de receitas infantis. 2013. 109 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2013.
Shimabukuro, Mariane Hatsue
This monograph discusses the creation of a children´s cookbook since its beginning, considering the preferences of the target audience, children 8-9 years of age, as guiding the development of the book. The implementation includes studies are needed to understand how the human reacts instruction, and how children relate to the text and image in a book, especially those that carry instructions for your content. With the increasing dedication of family to the labor market, children are closer to the electronic toys, so in this way was seen an opportunity to bring another form of entertainment, that not digital, and promote family interaction through a cookbook that also tries to rescue an alimentation far from manufactured products. To gather the information necessary to produce the model, was used market research survey of similar products and their features to bases the model created, target audience research survey of preferences for graphic and culinary taste; consulting experts in layout, colors, font and spacing; beyond the task analysis to verify the efficiency of the model built. This has resulted in the creation of appropriate model parameters derived in the research, which was taken to the target audience for the task analysis. With the analysis, more considerations about the model could be maiden. The paper ends up with the construction of a prototype that tries to resolve the problems found during use by children, by changing and adding elements that have proved problematic, further considerations about the project.