Comparação de métodos para estimativa de volume individual em povoamentos florestais
2013-09-04Registro en:
MARTINS, Ana Paula Marques. Comparação de métodos para estimativa de volume individual em povoamentos florestais. 2013. 92 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Florestal) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Dois Vizinhos, 2013.
Martins, Ana Paula Marques
This research aimed to compare methods of estimate volumes with branches peel of 4 layers from the Pinus caribaea (being a stratum with the variety bahamensis, one with variety caribaea and two with the variety hondurensis) and two layers from the Corymbia citriodora obtained from Smalian methods, mean form factor, volumetric equation, thinning function and arbitrary form factor 0,5. There were used 181 trees, these trees were distributed in six layer located in the Assis State Forest ,in Assis - SP. The models of Spurr and Schumacher & Hall were the best that adjusted on thelayer. The fifth degree polynomial of Prodan was the thin ning stem function which best fitfor all the layers. The variance analysis showed no significant difference between the methods of estimation from the total volume with peel for five from the six layers, at a level of 95%, in those with P.caribaea var. hondurensis with 37 years old was the layer in which the methods showed significant differences, whose methods of thinning stem function and arbitrary form factor 0,5 differed statistically from the others. A graphic al analysis was performed to compare the volumes adjusted and it was found that the use of volumetric equation provides more accurate estimates visually compared to the real volume.