Now showing items 1-10 of 44657
[Samaan Tree]
The postcard shows a Samaan tree overlooking a small body of water.
Trinidad. Rope Tree, Botanic Gardens
A picture of a Rope tree with its tangled limbs stretching to the ground.
Trinidad. Rope Tree
(A.A. Waterman the Hatter, Clothier and Outfitter, Trinidad, 2009-07-16)
A picture of a Rope tree with its tangled limbs stretching to the ground.
Cannon Ball Tree, Trinidad, B.W.I.
The Cannon ball tree is indigenous to South America and the South Caribbean. Its scientifc name is Couroupita guianensis.
Bay trees, Trinidad
A group of bay trees.
Bay trees, Trinidad
(Davidson and Todd Ltd., Trinidad, 2010-05-20)
Bay trees create a shaded canopy.
Pollen Dispersal Between Isolated Trees in the Brazilian Savannah: A Case Study of the Neotropical Tree Hymenaea stigonocarpa
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2011-03-01)
This case study examines the pollen dispersal distance, pollen dispersal patterns and intra-family genetic structure for isolated trees in pastures of the bat-pollinated Neotropical tree species Hymenaea stigonocarpa using ...
Silk Cotton Tree, Trinidad, B.W.I.
(Muir, Marshall and Co., 2009-07-15)
A picture of a man standing in field in front of a giant Silk Cotton Tree (Ceiba pentandra) that is at least eight times his height. Postcard No. 2.
Giant Saman [sic] Tree, Trinidad Country Club, Trinidad, B.W.I.
(Queen's Park Hotel Co. Ltd., Trinidad, 2010-05-20)
An image of fully grown Samaan Trees on the grounds of the Trinidad Country Club. Postcard No. 24.
Wild Pa-Paw Tree, Trinidad [Sic]
(F.P. Bruce-Austin, Trinidad, 2009-07-21)
A picture of a Paw-paw (Papaya) tree laden with its fruit. The fruit is ripe when it feels soft and its skin has attained an amber to orange hue.