Um estudo dos conceitos de eletricidade a partir da teoria de multimodos e múltiplas representações e aprendizagem significativa
2016-12-15Registro en:
OLIVEIRA, Patrícia Beneti de. Um estudo dos conceitos de eletricidade a partir da teoria de multimodos e múltiplas representações e aprendizagem significativa. 2016. 122 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino de Ciências Humanas, Sociais e da Natureza) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Londrina, 2016
Oliveira, Patrícia Beneti de
This work analyzes the significant learning of electrical concepts of current, resistance, voltage and electric power from the POE Approach - Predicting, Observing and Explaining (Tao and Gustone, 1999; Oliveira, 2003), Significant Learning (Ausubel, 1999) and Multimode Theory and Multiple Representations Theory (Prain, Waldrip, 2006, Laburú et al, 2011). Thus, the objective was to use these theoretical foundations as inspiration for the creation and application of the didactic sequence during the classes of the Discipline of Principles of Electricity and Magnetism. Being the didactic sequence the product of this research, we tried to formulate that one in order to propose to the students several forms of representation of the same concept, even with the use of simulator. In order to do so, the DC Circuit Kit simulation application was developed, developed by the Technology in Teaching of Physics (PhET), University of Colorado. The corpus of this research was restricted to 14 of the 28 students, from the classes of the 3rd and 4th semester of Production Engineering and the 4th semester of Mechanical Engineering, from a private educational institution. In order to make this research viable, we opted for the type of exploratory research. The data collected were evaluated according to the quantitative and qualitative methodologies. As a result, students were curious about the use of the electrical panel and during the use of the simulator. It was observed that the students obtained a conceptual gain superior to the traditional teaching and equivalent to the interactive teaching, both for the learning demonstrated by the basic knowledge questionnaire and the test of scientific conceptions about electric current (Silveira et al, 1989). However, in the theoretical discourse on the basic concepts, same after the orientations, many students maintained in their cognitive structure the interpretation of the circuit related to the alternative conceptions.