Estudos preliminares de extração e verificação da atividade antioxidante do extrato de bagaço de malte
2018-07-02Registro en:
DILLMANN, Leandro. Estudos preliminares de extração e verificação da atividade antioxidante do extrato de bagaço de malte. 2018. 41 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2018.
Dillmann, Leandro
Beer is one of the most consumed and most popular drinks in the entire world. According to World Health Organization (WHO), Brazil consumed, on 2016, 8.9 liters per person, surpassing the world average, which on that year was 6.4 liters per person. When comes to production, we are the third larger producer in the world, participating with 16% of our gross national product, creating 2.2 millions of jobs. This great volume of production also create a large amount of residues, among them the malt bagasse, which is the main sub-product of the beer industry. Noting that actually the food industry search more and more substances with antioxidant capacities and also to preserve the environment. Optimizing process and reuse residues became extremely important. Thinking about it, this study meant to determinate the antioxidant potential of the malt bagasse. The antioxidant activity were determined through the 2,2-diphenyl-1-hydrazyl (DPPH) method, witch is based on the capture of the radical DPPH for antioxidants, consequently downsizing the absorbance of the sample read in a spectrophotometer and expressed in %AA. The best extraction result of bio-active compounds of malt extract for antioxidants activities obtained, among the tested combinations of malt bagasse mass, ultrasound agitation time and number of extractions, were 1,2g of malt bagasse flour submitted on 10 minutes of ultrasound and 3 later extractions, resulting in 44,1 %AA. It was noticed that the malt bagasse extracts present moderate concentration of bio-active compounds with antioxidant characteristics if compared with others vegetables and fruits, but still, due to the great volume of malt bagasse that is discarded after the beer production, it is wise to make more studies to verify the sales viability of the malt bagasse reuse for extraction of the antioxidant compounds.