Substituição de farinha de trigo por farinha de arroz na elaboração de biscoito tipo cookie
2015-06-18Registro en:
SOUZA, Bárbara Bonsaglia Sobolow de; RONCONI, Paula Cassiana. Substituição de farinha de trigo por farinha de arroz na elaboração de biscoito tipo cookie. 2015. 54 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Francisco Beltrão, 2015.
Souza, Bárbara Bonsaglia Sobolow de
Ronconi, Paula Cassiana
Cookies are defined as baked products that has a cereal base which contain high levels of sugar and fat and low levels of water. This work aimed at elaborating and evaluating cookies substituting wheat flour with rice flour which is consumed by people whom have intolerance to the ingestion of gluten. The cookies were evaluated in relation to their physical characteristics (color and texture), physicochemical (pH, acidity, moisture, ash, protein, lipids, carbohydrate, chlorides gluten and calorific value), microbiological and sensory. The results of physicochemical characteristics showed the cookie formulations were in accordance with the regulation established for this type of product. The gluten content of the F3 formulation (0% wheat) showed concentration of 3 ppm indicating a slight contamination, but does not indicate danger if consumed by celiac people if consumed in moderation microbiologically, the cookies was free of contamination, ensuring the safety of the product. Sensorial analysis showed that the cookies prepared gluten-free, showed good acceptability. According to the results of this study the cookies developed can be considered a product has good characteristics physical, chemical and sensory and can compose the diet of a person intolerant to gluten.