Ferramenta para gerenciamento de chamados utilizando ITIL
2015Registro en:
SILVA, Renan Albert. Ferramenta para gerenciamento de chamados utilizando ITIL. 2015. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Cornélio Procópio, 2015.
Silva, Renan Albert da Silva
This jobs presents the development of a web tool for companies in the information technology field who want to optimize support service and organize the called management. The work will be performed with the aid of NetBeans IDE 8.0 as programming language will be used PHP 5 and HTML5 , as a relational database is used Mysql5 , the tool will be developed using techniques of ITIL IT management model , the technical defined by this model for management and quality services will be used , in order to optimize the management called information technology companies , the tool will allow the customer access to calls generated also facilitating communication and interaction with employees.