Família e aprendizagem: como a dinâmica familiar interfere nos problemas de aprendizagem
2012-12-01Registro en:
ERNEGAS, Andressa dos Santos Scalco. Família e aprendizagem: como a dinâmica familiar interfere nos problemas de aprendizagem. 2012. 37 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2012.
Ernegas, Andressa dos Santos Scalco
This work completion course entitled "Family and Learning: How Family Dynamics Interferes in Learning Problems." Aimed to examine how family dynamics when there happens biological functions, psychological and social factors may affect the individual's life and interfere with learning problems in school life. We propose to investigate the appearance of a family, its different forms, which are functions, their participation in the learning process, what are the possible disorders that can be derived from family relationships. We understand through our study of the importance of the family in relation to learning. We advocate the importance of family function in defense of good learning of the child or adolescent and emotionally so that you can live well and do not bring possible learning disorders.