A utilização de mapas conceituais como apoio ao ensino de análise de requisitos de software
2012-12-19Registro en:
FREITAS, Sheila Cristiana de. A utilização de mapas conceituais como apoio ao ensino de análise de requisitos de software . 2012. 105 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino de Ciência e Tecnologia) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Ponta Grossa, 2012.
Freitas, Sheila Cristiana de
The aim of this study was to evaluate the contribution of meaningful learning and concept maps in teaching analysis of software requirements. The thematic approach researched David Ausubel's theory of meaningful learning and the construction of concept maps as tools to support teaching analysis of software requirements in technical courses in computer science. The survey classified as exploratory qualitative, interpretive origin and has been held in the classroom, in a class of computer technician course in subsequent modality containing fourteen students. divided into stages. The classes include the use of previous organizers in presenting the theory of requirements analysis, exercises suggest that the search for knowledge existing in the cognitive structure and the construction of concept maps made by the teacher to support teaching and by students, about the concepts of software requirements for the completion of course work (TCC). The results were analyzed by the class teacher's point of view where it was realized that the strategy used in this work, but precisely in class 2, helped the student make the anchoring of subsumers and thus the assimilation of new concepts in class and 7 are able to construct conceptual maps to establish the connection between the concepts. Finally, in view of the students through a press conference about the benefits of using concept maps in class requirements analysis and software which were rated as satisfactory. It produced a teaching manual containing the steps used in this work which can be used by other teachers.