As intersecções entre técnica, tecnologia, trabalho e bem viver no contexto da agricultura familiar agroecológica
2020-07-10Registro en:
ABREU, Marjorie Mariana de. As intersecções entre técnica, tecnologia, trabalho e bem viver no contexto da agricultura familiar agroecológica. 2020. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2020.
Abreu, Marjorie Mariana de
This study aimed to understand the intersections between technique, technology, work and Well living and other dimensions that this concept presented through contact with its literature, verified from the context of Agroecological Family Agriculture in the scope of the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba-PR ( RMC). Reflecting from a need to disengage from the universalist conception of knowledge, built by modernity and Eurocentrism supported by the hedge of Western development and capitalism, which aim at progress and growth at any cost without considering the impacts on planet Earth. Therefore, this study sought to be inserted in a perspective of frontier thinking, which questions modernization and coloniality in the sphere of family farming from the perspective of Well Being. For this purpose, five properties of family farmers of agroecological reference base were selected, advised by CPRA-Centro Paranaense de Referência em Agroecologia. The visits to the properties took place during the years 2019 and 2020, and are located in the municipalities of Colombo, Quatro Barras, Itaperuçu, Pinhais, Tijucas do Sul. In order to achieve the objectives proposed by this research, as well as, to obtain a theoretical alignment -methodological that could allow the construction of a necessary deepening, that would contribute to an analysis and consistent, coherent results, some dimensions of Well Living were defined, besides the characterization of the family farmers that composes the research. In this sense, a qualitative-descriptive study was carried out, with Content Analysis as an analytical proposal, with a priori and a posteriori categories. Data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews and non-participant observation linked to the research subjects: agroecological family farmers, the CPRA organization and its collaborators. Based on the results, four categories of analysis were established, interrelated with the dimensions of Bem Viver, namely: Concepts and conceptions of Well Living, Harmony with Nature and the AFA in this sense; Well living and Human, Nature, Environmental Rights and the issue of Sovereignty and food security; Well Living as an antagonistic proposal to Development and Western Well-being and the issue of the individual and the Community; The agroecological family farmer and the issue of technique, technology and work and their intersections with Well living in this context; and finally, a section is dedicated to commenting on the relationship between CPRA and agroecological family farmers. The syntheses of the work, always of a temporary nature, show limitations of the current production model and should be rethought based on the experiences of other actors such as family farming, community relations, dialogues of knowledge, the harmonic context with nature, based on multiple possibilities perceived from the conceptions of Well living. Where Well living presents itself as an opportunity to imagine other possible worlds that are not based on an anthropocentric vision, but on a common Well living.