Now showing items 1-10 of 137928
Using mental well-being impact assessment to understand factors influencing well-being after a disaster
(Taylor & Francis, 2015)
The increased frequency and magnitude of natural disasters is producing a growing awareness of the need to incorporate mental well-being and resilience into policy and practice. The present research uses mental well-being ...
Psychological and Social well-being: the mediated role of values
(Association Française de Psychologie Politique, 2014-07)
Several authors have studied the relationship between well-being and values, highlighting that it is partially determined by personal values that prevail in social environment (Basabe et al., 2002; Lima & Novo, 2006; Paéz ...
Consequences on the well-being of coaches of the Promesas Chile Program, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemicConsecuencias en el bienestar de entrenadores del Programa "Promesas Chile", producto de la Pandemia COVID-19
(Federacion Espanola de Docentes de Educacion Fisica, 2024)
The mediating role of affects in the relation between optimism and well-being
Using a cross-sectional non-experimental design, the mediating role of (positive and negative) affects was assessed in the relation between optimism and well-being (subjective and psychological). A total of 421 people aged ...
The mediating role of affects in the relation between optimism and well-being
Using a cross-sectional non-experimental design, the mediating role of (positive and negative) affects was assessed in the relation between optimism and well-being (subjective and psychological). A total of 421 people aged ...
Bienestar psicológico del adulto mayor del CAM-Chosica
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como finalidad determinar el nivel de Bienestar psicológico en las personas adultas mayores del Centro Adulto Mayor CAM de Chosica, para ello se realizó una investigación de tipo ...
EXAMINING CHILEANS' SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEINGExamining Chileans' subjective well-being
Taking into account the relevance subjective well-being has acquired in international research and political agendas in the last decade, this dissertation explores people’s judgements and feelings as an essential part of ...
Entrepreneurship and subjective well-being: Does the motivation to start-up a firm matter?
Although there have been many studies on the subjective well-being of entrepreneurs, these have compared entrepreneurs’ well-being with those of non-entrepreneurs, or with economic and firm performance, or attempted to ...
Contributions of Barad's New Materialism to Well-Being Research
In this article, we discuss the contributions that Karen Barad's theorizations can make to the study of wellbeing, particularly their ontoepistemological framework, "agential realism," that emphasizes the inseparability ...
Well-being, school and age, from the understandings of Chilean children
This research studies the relationships that promote well-being in the school setting from the perspective of Chilean children’s understandings and how these vary with age by comparing 10- to 11- and 14- to 15-year-old ...