Criança, brinquedo e tecnologia: uma relação delicada
Criança, brinquedo e tecnologia: uma relação delicada
2007-12-17Registro en:
MAGNABOSCO, Milton. Criança, brinquedo e tecnologia: uma relação delicada. 2007. Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2007.
Magnabosco, Milton
The present study is inspired on inquires on the relationship child, toy and technology, especially the technological toys, só common in the routine of people which work and live with kids. Throughout study and qualitative analysis of three cases of described clinical attendances, the objective was to show the possibility of observing the incapacity that technological toys have to support the infancy projections. Historically, the toy works like a preparation for the adulthood, as the adults offer to the children real-like toys, só they can manipulate it. The own infancy, expression designed to locate the kid in a social world of each period of History, had it social room since the absence in the art referential, passing by the medieval “little adult” to the current recognition like “the future of mankind”. In the relation to the child, the toy, extreme object according to Brougère (2004), has significance and a function, distinct in conception, but at the same time mixed, confusing and intersecting. The function is the orientating feature of the utilization of toys in education. The image of toys is improved with the technological advance in the play; many times the icon determines the fictional meaning of the play. The psychoanalysis found out the value of the symbol to the children, and uses this meaning to help them in their difficulties and anxieties. Throughout their main researchers, the psychoanalytical theory of playing has established the necessary features to the toy that allows it to be an object of projection to the child. The present work is divided in three main parts. The first one treats about the technology, the toys in a historical view, recuperating some steps of certain millenary toys, the games and their transformations regarding the life styles. The second part walks on the theoretical aspects of the theme, meeting the view points of the main psychiatrists. In the third and last part it was chosen children cases reports to study the relationship between the children and the existent toys in the sessions. The study of these three clinical cases presented here has permitted to observe as was established the relation between kids and toys available during the psychoanalytical sessions and the influence that technological toy had on them, as they manifested by transferring the significance of the first to the second and the difficulties of dealing with it. The problem which has inspired this thesis finds its answer in this observation.