Dispositional Mindfulness: Its Impact on Customer Oriented Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Mediating Role of Servant Leadership
Puswiartika, Dhevy
Rusyda Hinduan, Zahrotur
Sulastiana, Marina
Harding, Diana
Research on mindfulness has been growing in its scope with significant impact within organizational settings. This study investigated the effect of disposition- al mindfulness on Customer Oriented-Organizational Citizenship Behavior (CO-OCB). The relationship between mindfulness and CO-OCB is mediat- ing servant leadership as an individual factor. This study was an explanatory survey among supervisors of the railway transportation service provider in the Jakarta area with data obtained from a total of 357 participants using the dense sampling technique and self-report questionnaires. The data ana- lyzed by using Structural Equation Modelling with Lisrel 8.7 software. The result showed that mindfulness significantly influences CO-OCB, and servant leadership mediated the relationship between mindfulness and CO-OCB. The theoretical implication of this study was the empirical evidence regarding the mechanism that mediates the impact of mindfulness on workplace outcomes, in this case CO-OCB, with servant leadership as a potential mediating role. This study also contributed to the literature regarding mindfulness in an or- ganizational setting. The practical implication of this study suggests that the management of the railway transportation service provider can improve Cus- tomer Oriented Organizational Citizenship Behavior of the employees by ini- tiating programs that can increase mindfulness as well as servant leadership.