Distribution and abundance of Dormitator latifroms (Richardson) larvae (Pisces: Eliotridae) in the natural protected area "estero El Salado" in Jalisco, Mexico [Distribución y abundancia de las larvas de Dormitator latifroms (Richardson) (Pisces: Eliotridae en el área natural protegida "estero El Salado" en Jalisco, México]
2004Registro en:
Navarro-Rodriguez, M.D.
Flores-Vargas, R.
Gonzalez Guevara, L.F.
Gonzalez Ruelas, M.E.
This study presents an analysis of a spatial and temporal variation of the distribution and abundance of larvae of Dormitator latifroms (Richardson 1845) in the natural protected area known as "estero El Salado", in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico. Eight diurnal zooplankton tows were conducted seasonally from spring to winter, 2001. Variations in temperature, salinity and fish larval abundance were strongly related to seasonal patterns, which also influenced the reproduction cycle of Dormitator latifroms, since higher abundances appeared with an increase in temperature and a low salinity (20-30°C and 6.5 psu). From 12,871 fish larvae collected, 97.8% were Dormitator latifroms and only 2.2% corresponded to other species. The variations in temporal and spatial abundance were influenced by the tidal conditions as well as by seasonality, with higher concentrations appearing at sampling site 1 (>12,000 org./1000 m3) during the summer, related to the rainy season, whereas the lowest records were registered in the spring (20 org./1000 m3) during the drought period.