Hydroelastic stationary problem on tsunami waves generation
Lopez, G.
Lopez, X.E.
Hernandez, H.
For a relativistic particle under a constant force and a linear velocity dissipation force, a constant of motion is found. Problems are shown for getting the Hamiltonian of this system. Thus, the quantization of this system is carried out through the constant of motion and using the quantization on the velocity variable. The dissipative relativistic quantum bouncer is outlined within this quantization approach. " 2006 Springer Science-Business Media. Inc.",,,,,,"10.1007/s10773-006-9065-8",,,"","",,,,,,"4",,"International Journal of Theoretical Physics",,"743 752",,"45",,"Scopus WOS",,,,,,"Constant of motion; Dissipative; Quantization; Special relativity",,,,,,"One-dimensional relativistic dissipative system with constant force and its quantization",,"Article"
"43777","123456789/35008",,"González-González, R., Depart. de Matem, Univ. de Sonora, Blvd. Transversal y Rosales S/N, Hermosillo, Sonora 83000, Mexico; Sekerzh-Zenkovich, S., Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS, pr. Vernadscogo 101, Moscow, 119526, Russian Federation, Depart., de Matem, Univ. de Guadalajara, Blvd. M. García Barragan and Calz., Guadalajara, Jalisco 44430, Mexico",,"Gonzalez-Gonzalez, R. Sekerzh-Zenkovich, S.",,"2004",,"A two-layered system is considered: a compressible fluid layer of constant depth overlies an homogeneous elastic half-space containing a source of disturbances, which are assumed to be longitudinal steady waves. The vertical displacements of the fluid's free surface and of the sea-bottom interface are calculated by asymptotic methods in the far field approximation away from the epicenter and by numerical methods based on Maple in the epicentral zone. The model is applied to the tsunami wave generation problem. At moderate depths of the hypocenter, it is found that noticeable tsunami waves can be generated if the spectrum of the source includes long-period components. The results are compared with those obtained previously in the long-wave theory approximations. Copyright " 2004 by MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica".