Ethnocultural identity at the multiplying agents training/education on maternal and child health and nutrition in an indians group of the Wixarika ethnia [La identidad etnocultural en la formación de multiplicadores en salud y nutrición maternoinfantil con el pueblo wixárika]
Crocker-Sagastume, R.
Vazquez-Castellanos, J.L.
Garcia-Serrano, V.G.
Objectives: This is a research article about culture on maternal and child health and nutrition in an Indian group of the Wixarika ethnia Methods: Based on action-oriented participant research methodology, qualitative research techniques, like deep interviews and ethnographic observation were used to construct a proposal of ethnocultural education of indegenous multiplying agents and establish an intercultural program of surveillance and self health care at this vulnerable group. The educational process it is sustained on the conscience pedagogy. Results: Due to the prolonged breast-feeding, pregnancy is detected late. Pregnant women do not have particular feeding practices other than non-pregnant. Few women are handled in prenatal care. Breastfeeding is by spontaneous demand and long-lasting, usually determined with the birth of another brother. From the retrieved data and discussion with community leaders, an ethno-cultural model for training multipliers in maternal and child health care, food safety and nutrition. Conclusions: We concluded that this model of investigation is useful to create programs on maternal and child health and nutrition based on Wixarika group cosmovision, strengthening their ethnical identity. © 2010 SENC.