Protective effect of under-reinforcement of passive avoidance against scopolamine-induced amnesia
2014Registro en:
Lopez, A.
Cienfuegos, M.
Ainseba, B.
Bendahmane, M.
In this paper we present a nearest neighbor particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm applied to the numerical analysis of the inverse problem in electrocardiography. A two-step algorithm is proposed based on the application of the modified PSO algorithm with the Tikhonov regularization method to calculate the potential distribution in the heart. The PSO improvements include the use of the neighborhood particles as a strategy to balance exploration and exploitation in order to prevent premature convergences and produce a better local search. In the literature the inverse problem in electrocardiography is solved using the minimum energy norm in a Tikhonov regularization scheme. Although this approach solves the system, the solution may not have a meaning in the physical sense. Comparing to the classical reconstruction, the two-step PSO algorithm improves the accuracy of the solution with respect to the original distribution. Finally, to validate our results, we create a distribution over the heart by using a model of electrical activity (Bidomain model) coupled with a volume conductor model for the torso. Then, using our method, we make the reconstruction of the potential distribution. " Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014.",,,,,,"10.1007/978-3-319-11683-9_20",,,"","",,,,,,,,"Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)",,"256 270",,"8752",,"Scopus",,,,,,"Bidomain; Bio-inspired algorithm; Direct and inverse problems; Electrocardiography; Finite element; Particle swarm optimization (PSO)",,,,,,"PSO with Tikhonov regularization for the inverse problem in electrocardiography",,"Conference Paper"
"45719","123456789/35008",,"Quirarte, G.L., Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Guadalajara, Apartado Postal 70-250, Mexico D.F. 04510, Mexico; Cruz-Morales, S.E., ENEP-Iztacala, Universidad National Autónoma de México, Apartado Postal 70-250, Mexico D.F. 04510, Mexico; Diaz Del Guante, M.A., Centro de Estudios Psicológicos, Universidad Veracruzana, Apartado Postal 70-250, Mexico D.F. 04510, Mexico; García, M., Departamento de Fisiología, Facultad de Meditina, Universidad National Autónoma de México, Apartado Postal 70-250, Mexico D.F. 04510, Mexico; Prado-Alcala, R.A., Departamento de Fisiología, Facultad de Meditina, Universidad National Autónoma de México, Apartado Postal 70-250, Mexico D.F. 04510, Mexico",,"Quirarte, G.L. Cruz-Morales, S.E. Diaz Del Guante, M.A. García, M. Prado-Alcala, R.A.",,"1993",,"Administration of antimuscarinic drugs induces amnesia of aversively motivated behaviors. However, when relatively high intensities of footshock are used during training (over-reinforcement), animals become protected against such amnesic state. Moreover, the protective effect is established in a none-or-all fashion i.e., within a series of increasing intensities a minute augmentation of footshock intensity is sufficient to reach the protective threshold. In the present experiment it was found that very low intensities of aversive stimulation (under-reinforcement), sufficient to produce learning, also protected animals from scopolamine-induced amnesia. These results suggest that acetylcholine is critically involved in memory consolidation of passive avoidance, but only within a limited range of training intensities. " 1993.