Poison to pest: An approach from cognitive anthropology on occupational exposure, health effects and quality of life of pesticide applicators rural informal sector [Veneno para plagas: Una aproximaci�n desde la antropolog�a cognitiva sobre exposici�n laboral, efectos en salud y calidad de vida de los aplicadores de plaguicidas del sector informal rural]
Gutierrez-Strauss, A.M.
Baltazar, R.G.
Estrada, J.G.S.
Avelar, R.S.
Aguilera Velasco, M.A.
Cortes, S.L.
Objective: To explore the cultural dimensions of the concept of exposure to pesticides, health, impact on health and quality of life in rural pesticide applicators in the informal sector. Materials and methods: An exploratory study was conducted in six Atlantic's municipalities. Forty four subjects were selected during 2010 and 2011. It worked qualitative technique: free list. It was investigated terms associated with the concepts of pesticide, health effect, health status and quality of life. Consensus analysis was applied visual techniques, factorization and principal component analysis with ANTHROPAC dimensional v4.0 program was performed. Results: Health is related to be healthy and stay alive. They don't identify side effects. The concept of quality of life was related to have health, family and job. There was no cultural consensus about health, and the relative does not think anything about the pesticide or � spray is normal�. Cultural consensus exists against: pesticide exposure and toxicity of some of them. The pesticide protects crops from pests but also kills other animals that help the biological control. There are cultural consensus in the previous practice of consumption of milk and sugar cane before spraying. Conclusion: The study of the meanings, believes, values and practices from pesticide applicators informal workers in rural areas, have a very different approach to formal workers with the same trade. Believes and values were observed to be considered when making occupational health policies.