Indicators for a comprehensive evaluation of academic productivity in higher education [Indicadores para la evaluación integral de la productividad académica en la educación superior]
Castro, M.E.M.
Ramirez, G.C.
This article reports the results of an evaluation of aca-demic productivity of three academic departments of the University of Guadalajara, Mexico, through an interre-lated system of evaluative indicators it is possible to con-struct an effective method for identifying the levels and degree of equilibrium in the academic productivity of an institution of higher education. The method used to evaluate the dimensions of departmental academic productivity permitted interpretation and analysis of the data in order to make comprehensive value judgments and recommendations. Thus, achievements in the areas of research, extension, and teaching were evaluated for the departments observed. The criteria for analyzing the indicator were: effectiveness, efficacy, efficiency, adequacy. © 2002, RELIEVE.