Asphyxiation by suffocation and strangulation in children younger than 15 years of age [Asfixia por sofocación y estrangulación en menores de 15 años]
Celis, A.
Hernandez, P.
Gomez, Z.
Orozco-Valerio, M.D.J.
Rivas-Sousa, M.
Objective: Our aim was to describe non-intentional strangulation or suffocation suffered by children under 15 years of age. Methods: Records from the Medical Examiner's Office showed child death by non-intentional strangulation or suffocation from January 1, 1991 to December 31, 2001. Results: A total of 44 suffocations or non-intentional strangulations were registered. Overall mortality was 3.62/1000,000 persons-year (27.57/1000,000 in children < 1 year of age, 1.94/1000.000 in older children); 63.6% were males. Most frequent mechanisms included neck entrapment between bars 18.2%, facial obstruction by bed clothes 15.9%, being covered by rubble, sand, or garbage 15.9%, strangulation by cord, chain, or strip 11.4%, and strangulation by dress or bed clothes 9.1%. Conclusions: Nearly all registered deaths could be prevented by education, supervision, or structural modifications. Strategies should also include obligatory standards for manufacturing and for warnings on labels.