Forage, energy and protein balance in a traditional dual purpose livestock production system in Mexico [Balance forrajero, energético y proteico de un sistema de producción tradicional de doble propósito en México]
Macedo, R.
Galina, M.A.
Zorrilla, J.M.
A study was conducted in Colima, México, with the objective to carry out a forage, energy and protein balance of a traditional dual purpose livestock production system based on corn stubble (Zea mays) and star grass (Cynodon plectostachyus) during the dry season. This balance was carried out taking into consideration dry matter, energy, and protein requirements, production, availability and utilization, as well as their imports to the production system. The production system was energetically sustainable, providing 99% of the cattle requirements. Dry matter and protein production were insufficient, providing only 80 and 68% of the requirements, respectively. The producer was able to solve this deficit by importing local available feedstuff, such as ground corncob with molasses and sugarcane tops (Saccharum officinarum). It was apparent the need to introduce new technology and methods to improve this production system. © 2009 Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agricolas INIA.