Journal Article
[Results of a survey on organ donation and transplantation in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara, Mexico]
Zepeda-Romero LC
Garcia-Garcia G
Aguirre-Jauregui O
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate knowledge of and disposition towards organ and tissue donation for transplantation among the adult population of metropolitan Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A survey was conducted by personal interview with street-recruited persons over 18 years of age using a 29-item questionnaire. Metropolitan Guadalajara was divided into four municipalities and a proportional number of interviews was assigned to each one based on number of inhabitants, socio-economic stratum, age and gender. RESULTS: Four hundred individuals were interviewed. Approximately 80% knew about organ donation and 65% knew that it was legal; however, only 24% had discussed the topic with their relatives. Seventy-one percent did not know how to donate organs and only 25% knew about organ donor cards. On the other hand, 66% were willing to donate, 16.5% would not donate and 17% were undecided. Bodily mutilation was the main reason (40%) given to not donate. 89% would authorize organ donation from a deceased relative, assuming the relative had previously expressed the desire to donate; on the contrary, only 29% would give such an authorization without their relative's prior consent. Finally, 65% considered the driver's license an adequate mean to express their desire to donate and 50% considered the information the mass media disseminated on the subject to be insufficient. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of the metropolitan Guadalajara population knew about organ donation and would be willing to donate their organs. However, a high percentage did not know how to donate and considered the information disseminated on the subject insufficient. An on-going mass media campaign could resolve this matter and hopefully increase organ donation among this population.