Differential effects of instructions and consequences on human conditional discrimination performance [Efectos diferenciales de instrucciones y consecuencias en ejecuciones de discriminación condicional humana]
Flores-Gutierrez, E.O.
Diaz, J.-L.
Barrios, F.A.
Guevara, M.A.
del Rio-Portilla, Y.
Corsi-Cabrera, M.
del Flores-Gutierrez, E.O.
Potential sex differences in EEG coherent activity during pleasant and unpleasant musical emotions were investigated. Musical excerpts by Mahler, Bach, and Prodromidès were played to seven men and seven women and their subjective emotions were evaluated in relation to alpha band intracortical coherence. Different brain links in specific frequencies were associated to pleasant and unpleasant emotions. Pleasant emotions (Mahler, Bach) increased upper alpha couplings linking left anterior and posterior regions. Unpleasant emotions (Prodromidès) were sustained by posterior midline coherence exclusively in the right hemisphere in men and bilateral in women. Combined music induced bilateral oscillations among posterior sensory and predominantly left association areas in women. Consistent with their greater positive attributions to music, the coherent network is larger in women, both for musical emotion and for unspecific musical effects. Musical emotion entails specific coupling among cortical regions and involves coherent upper alpha activity between posterior association areas and frontal regions probably mediating emotional and perceptual integration. Linked regions by combined music suggest more working memory contribution in women and attention in men. " 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.",,,,,,"10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2008.07.007",,,"","",,,,,,"1",,"International Journal of Psychophysiology",,"43 49",,"71",,"Scopus WOS",,,,,,"Alpha band; EEG coherence; Emotion; Men; Music; Sex differences; Women",,,,,,"Differential alpha coherence hemispheric patterns in men and women during pleasant and unpleasant musical emotions",,"Article"
"42423","123456789/35008",,"Sánchez, H.M., Universidad de Guadalaja, Mexico, Instituto de Neurociencias, Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara (Jalisco), Mexico; Rueda, G.O., Universidad de Guadalaja, Mexico; Zepeda, A.G., Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Mexico",,"Sanchez, H.M. Rueda, G.O. Zepeda, A.G.",,"2007",,"Two studies evaluated the differential behavioral effects of instructions and feedback in matching-to-sample procedures. In Experiment 1, 20 college students received true or false instructions and trial-by-trial or delayed feedback in three phases. In a fourth, final phase the instructions remained the same, but feedback changed from trial-by-trial to delayed, or from delayed to trial-by-trial. In Experiment 2, half of another 20 participants received true instructions during three phases, followed by false instruction in a fourth phase; the other half of the participants received false instructions during three phases, followed by true instructions in the fourth phase. Feedback sequences were as in Experiment 1. The results of both experiments revealed historical effects of instructions and feedback. Most participants demonstrated strong instructional control, overriding the control by contingencies. These results suggest that the present procedure offers optimal possibilities to make the differential effects of instructions and feedback on human behavior clearly identifiable when conditional discrimination tasks are used. Copyright " 2007 Psicothema.