Work and mental healt of preschool teachers in Guadalajara's metropolitan zone [El trabajo y la salud mental de las profesoras de preescolar de la zona metropolitana de Guadalajara (México)]
Rodriguez, G.A.
Cortes, S.L.
Baltazar, R.G.
Becerra, E.M.
Estrada, M.C.
Aldret, B.P.
Objectives: To identify the relationship between work and mental health of preschool teachers in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara (ZMG). Subjects and methods: An analytic cross sectional study in pre-school teachers was performed, data were obtained with a socio-labor and the Goldberg's Health Questionnaire (GHQ 30), cut point 7/8 considerate disorder or case. To identify the association, chi square and OR were used. Significance was <0.05. Results: The study involved 286 female teachers with a mean age of 38.30 years (± 8.298). On average they were 15 years (± 9.1) as educators. The 25 % of the teachers were considered as a case, according to test results GQH-30. 45.5 % had sleep disturbances, and 43.0% somatic symptoms. Association and risk was observed when work has to do with health problems and miss work because of these problems, when one is older and have more years as an educator p <0.05. Conclusion: By identifying 1 in 4 teachers like case and sleep disorders and somatic symptoms as the most prevalent, guide us to consider this population with psychological distress, which requires special attention and regular assessments with appropriate psychometric instruments to promote timely detection of cases and prevention of mental illness.