Tesis de Maestría
Particles in two non-related languages: Nahuatl and English
Rodríguez Villaruel, Paloma Coatlicue
Nahuatl and English belong to different linguistic families and are typologically different. Nahuatl is an agglutinative language whereas English is an analytic language. Nevertheless, both languages have in common the fact of making use of particles of direction that combine with some verbs to form compounds with literal, aspectual or idiomatic meaning. In Nahuatl the particles are: on (away from the speaker), and hual (towards the speaker). In English, there are many directional particles. For this research we have chosen to analyse only three: up, off and down. These particles of direction form more often compounds with verbs of movement were they add only a literal meaning of direction in the case of English; and literal direction and speed in the case of Nahuatl. When combined with other kinds of verbs the particle adds a directional metaphorical meaning. Other functions and meanings of the particles are completive aspect, only found in English; resultative aspect, found in both languages. Finally, in Nahualt the particle on adds a speed meaning