Entrepreneurial characteristics in university students who are about to complete their degree in the faculty of commerce and administration of tampico
Características emprendedoras en universitarios próximos a egresar de la facultad de comercio y administración de Tampico
Registro en:
Ochoa Hernández, Magda Lizet
Azuela Flores, José Ignacio
Rangel Lyne, Lucirene
The study of entrepreneurial behavior has identified different attributes or characteristics that make it up: the tendency to take risks and be creative, develop relationships and became effective in handling change as well to show determination, social sensitivity, personal and organizational development, among others. This descriptive study, aims to analyze the presence of entrepreneurial characteristics mentioned to further develop an entrepreneurial profile in the students who are about to complete their bachelor degree. Data were collected through a survey applied to 165 university students (men (36%) and women (64%) aged between 18 and 27 years old) randomly selected. To achieve the above objective a non-hierarchical Kmeans cluster analysis was conducted in which the level of entrepreneurship of the subjects was taken as an indicator. The results show that college entrepreneurs can be classified into two groups (P<.05|P= .000): the first group was characterized by showing few features attributed to entrepreneurs and the second group shows all characteristics attributed to entrepreneurs: they are creative people who generate ideas and carry out innovative activities tending to take risks in their work and all activities they do. The importance of this study resides in developing strategies that promote these entrepreneurial characteristics in university students. El estudio del comportamiento emprendedor ha identificado diferentes atributos que lo componen: tendencia a correr riesgos, creatividad, relaciones con los grupos, efectividad en el manejo del cambio, autodeterminación, sensibilidad social, desarrollo personal y organizacional, entre otros. El presente estudio descriptivo, tiene como objetivo analizar la presencia de las mencionadas características emprendedoras en los universitarios próximos a egresar de todas las carreras impartidas en la Facultad de Comercio y Administración de Tampico, de la Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, para elaborar un perfil emprendedor universitario. Los datos se recabaron a través de una encuesta aplicada a 165 estudiantes universitarios [hombres (36%) y mujeres (64%) de entre 18 y 27 años] seleccionados de manera aleatoria. Se llevó a cabo un análisis clúster no jerárquico K-medias el cual tomó como variable indicador el nivel de emprendimiento. Los resultados muestran que los emprendedores universitarios se pueden clasificar en dos grupos (P<.05|P= .000): un primer grupo que se caracteriza por manifestar muy pocas características atribuibles al comportamiento emprendedor y; un segundo grupo que muestra todas las características atribuibles a los emprendedores.