Factores que inciden en el cambio de las cocinas de gas licuado de petróleo (GLP) a las cocinas de inducción, en el Cantón Cuenca
Peláez Campoverde, Eloy Alejandro
In the present study the factors that influence the selection of a type of stove are
determined, namely: induction or Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG); also finding
their respective weights. For this, the Hierarchical Analytical Process Method was
used, which also served to establish the order of priority of the stoves options in
light of the aforementioned criteria. The results suggest that, unlike what is
commonly thought, it is not the Operational Cost of the equipment that most
influences the decision of one stove or another, but the Level of Security that the
people perceive. The final results favor the selection of induction stove, which
would establish a guideline for the current Ecuadorian energy policy