The influence of inquiry-based learning on english language learners’ writing performance
Gómez Morocho, María del Cisne
Pérez Lema, Grace Estefanía
Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) aims to awaken students' curiosity and develop skills through
the inquiry method. This inquiry method aims at engaging, discovering, exploring,
explaining, elaborating, sharing, and reflecting on a topic of interest. In Ecuador, some EFL
students have a low level of writing performance due to their lack of vocabulary and accuracy.
Therefore, this paper investigates the influence of IBL on English Language Learners’
writing performance. To answer the research questions, a research synthesis was conducted
to analyze, synthesize and categorize the findings of 20 studies. Remarkably, the results
demonstrate that IBL positively affects ELL students' writing skill development. Also, some
researchers use specific IBL phases in their studies. Finally, there are more advantages than
disadvantages regarding IBL incorporation in the English class. The study suggests that the
IBL approach enhances the ELLs’ writing, making this inquiry method an effective
alternative to teacher-centered instruction in the Ecuadorian context.