Propuesta de diseño de un Balanced Scoredcard para la Empresa Vatex Junior, año 2015
Riera Quito, Jonnathan Andrés
Textile companies in Ecuador had suffered considerable impacts due to changes in economic policies, such as restrictions and increase of safeguards in the imports of raw materials, machinery and clothing imposed by the government in 2015. Decreased prices of oil, appreciation and depreciation of Colombian and Peruvian currencies affected the country's foreign trade. Their effects created a strong barrier for companies working in this sector, and became a big obstacle to fulfill their objectives.
“What is not measured is not controlled and what is not controlled cannot be improved”. A company who only focuses in just one aspect, either Financial, Commercial, Operations or Human Resources, will get isolated results and that would not allow the company to grow in the market. But, by working holistically with all company areas involved, a real strategy can be obtained. All the personnel work on a mission, vision and a common objective that has to be reached. The Balanced ScoredCard is a tool that seeks integration of the company for the development and sustainable growth over time, from different Perspectives such as Financial, Customer, Internal Processes, Learning and Innovation that allows to achieve the objectives, in a short and long term.
The objective of this degree`s work is to propose the design of a Balanced ScoredCard for VATEX JUNIOR Textile Company, with the aim of battling a market that has been affected by the economic slowdown, and without the side effect of affecting mainly the growth of the company. Based on the information provided by the company, the study pretends to design a Balanced ScoredCard where strategic objectives are determined to accomplish integral control and planning the tactic on the way to success.