Elaboración de cinco arreglos de pasacalles ecuatorianos para cuarteto de guitarra clásica: montaje cameral
Calle Ordoñez, Wilson Andrés
The present bachelor of titulation will presents the accomplishment of five adjustments of
pasacalles elaborated originally for piano and voice, to quartet of guitar, these pasacalles
selected are: "Ambato tierra de flores", "Chulla quiteño", "Chola cuencana", "Soy del Carchi"
and "Guayaquileño, madera de guerrero", it should be noted that each of these parades is an
emblem within their city since in their lyrics they exemplify the best of each city. At the same
time, the historical context of each work will be discussed and its musical technical aspects
will be discussed. In the end, it will be exemplified with an arrangement, all the musical
techniques that were used to elaborate them.