Inteligencia emocional y satisfacción laboral en profesionales de departamentos de Consejería Estudiantil Distrito Norte-Sur Cuenca
Jara Bravo, Jessica Alexandra
Rodas Flores, Diego Ismael
This study was aimed to determinate the relationship between emotional intelligence`s dimensions and job satisfaction in professional of Departamentos de Consejería Estudiantil (DECE) of district North and South from Cuenca city in Ecuador. It was based in a quantitative approach, a transversal design, and a correlational scope. The study population consisted of 71 DECE`s professionals. The instruments used were: a sociodemographic record, the Trait Meta Mood Scale to measure emotional attention, clarity and repair; and the Job Satisfaction Scale, to measure the variable with the same name. For our population, the research findings showed a negative and statistically not significant correlation between the dimensions of emotional intelligence and the variable job satisfaction; men got better punctuations in emotional intelligence´s dimensions, while, women had better job satisfaction; women with higher remuneration presented greater attention, clarity and emotional repair; and people who receive the highest remuneration got lower job satisfaction.