Análisis de la capacidad antioxidante de los extractos de microalgas Nannochloropsis oculata y posible Hapalosiphon sp. obtenidos de biomasa fresca vs liofilizada
León Domínguez, Diana Patricia
Microalgae have become organisms of interest in several science fields due to the
diversity of components they produce, and the facility for their harvesting.
Antioxidants are among the molecules present in microalgae. They are able to
prevent and control oxidative stress, which is the cause of several chronic illnesses
and aging. In this work, two microalgae species were analyzed in order to evaluate
their antioxidant capacity: Nannochloropsis oculata, and possible Hapaloshipon sp.
The techniques used for quantifying the antioxidant capacity were DPPH, FRAP &
ABTS; also, the total phenolic content was measured following the Folin-Ciocalteu
method. The analysis were performed in methanolic and methanol-water 50:50 %,
v/v extracts of both species, each one of them obtained from fresh and lyophilized
biomass. The results show that there is not a solvent or condition that allows the
most efficient antioxidant extraction, but that it depends on the microalgae species.
This is due to important differences between each one´s structure and cell wall
composition. For Nannochloropsis oculata, the best results regarding antioxidants
extraction were obtained from lyophilized biomass using methanol 100 % as solvent.
In contrast, for Hapalosiphon sp. the best antioxidant extraction was found to be from
fresh biomass using methanol-water 50:50 %, v/v as solvent. As for the total phenolic
content, Hapalosiphon sp. fresh with methanol 100 % as solvent was the one that
showed the higher amount of phenols.