Influencia del tipo de pie en el equilibrio estático y dinámico durante las clases de EE. FF, en estudiantes entre 9 - 11 años
Guamán Maza, Wilson Wilmer
Pulla Calle, Felipe Israel
The foot is the pillar that provides support and stability to the individual, so any anomalies
that link to the weight distribution should be examined when the foot is resting on the ground.
malformations should also be analyzed in the rest of the joints involved in movement if they
make it difficult to fluidity and balance the actions.
Objective: This study aimed to analyze the types of foot presented by schoolchildren and
how they influence the static and dynamic balance during daily physical culture activities in
children aged 9 to 11 years.
Methodology: It was descriptive, transversal and observational, with the application of
quantitative methods and techniques to measure the various research purposes and their later
statistical analysis. The instruments used were: Measuring the plantar footprint through the
Hernández Corvo method and assessing the static and dynamic balance through the tests:
Flamenco Balance, One Leg Balance Test (OLBT) and Dynamic Balance Gesell's test.
Results: The prevalence of foot typology was determined in schoolchildren aged 9 to 11
years from the "Carolina de Febres Cordero" School of Basic Education, resulting in:
25.47% with flat foot, 5.85% with cavo foot and 68.68% with normal foot without lateral
analysis. in terms of static and dynamic balance, boys have a better balance than girls, in
turn, in the flamenco balance girls have a better balance, in relation to the age in the static
balance boys of 10 years have better static balance, in terms of the flamenco and dynamic
balance tests, 11-year-old students have better balance. On the other hand, comparisons of
the test averages with the foot type resulted in a better static balance in the students with foot
cavo, better balance in the flamenco balance test in the students with flat feet, the best
average times were for the students of foot cavo and normal in the dynamic balance test.
Conclusion, in the studied population there is no statistical significance between the foot
type and the static and dynamic balance.