Aproximación a la actividad musical en las parroquias eclesiásticas urbanas de la diócesis de Cuenca, entre 1779 y 1886
Albarracín Albarracín, Sonia Nataly
This research addresses the field of religious music that developed in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador, between 1779-1886, the year of the death of the eminent composer Miguel Cuenca Morocho. It addresses, as background, knowledge of musical activity in this city from its foundation. This paper focuses on the description of the musical activity of the choirmasters, choristers, organists, instrumentalists and singers of the Matrix, San Sebastian, San Blas and San Roque, church parishes of Cuenca urban church and delves into historical, labor and family of the protagonists. It includes, as the culmination, the analysis of two religious works of that composer Miguel Morocho