Elaboración de un manual para el procesamiento de helados artesanales mediante el uso de nitrógeno líquido, aplicando normativa sanitaria, BPM, POES Y HACCP
Caguana Tacuri, Fabiola Patricia
This intervention project aims to develop a manual for the processing of ice cream using liquid nitrogen by applying sanitary and health regulations: BPM, POES and HACCP.
The first phase focuses on the study of ice cream from its beginning up to its evolution, classification and the use of basic and functional ingredients; moreover, relevant information about liquid nitrogen is released in relation to its history, characteristics, use in the preparation of ice cream, safety rules for handling, management and conservation in order to avoid potential risks.
In the next stage, the ice cream elaboration process by using liquid nitrogen is described, where guidelines on regulations and rules given by the Códex Alimentarius, ARCSA, INEN and safety instructions given by liquid nitrogen suppliers, followed by a manual on how to apply al the standards of BPM, POES and HACCP, for the proper processing of ice cream.
The final stage was to implement each elaboration process for ice cream mixture bases, presenting a gastronomic proposal to a panel of experts on the subject, preparing milk ice cream, water and yogurt based on seasonal fruits, red fruits, herbs and Andean spices, liquors, whose purpose was to carry out organoleptic test, which proved that ice cream made with liquid nitrogen do guarantee the quality and safety in the process and for operators and consumers, obtaining satisfactory results for the present action research.