Guía didáctica para el aprendizaje de la manipulación y uso de los parámetros de funcionamiento de los instrumentos del programa Reason 7
Bracero Torres, Andrés Patricio
The objective of this investigation is to develop a didactic guide to facilitate the learning process of the different parameters of each of the seven virtual instruments contained in the Reason program, one of the pioneering digital audio stations that allows having a view of a digital workstation, a feature that resembles a real recording studio. This research was carried out with the students of the ‘Technology applied to music’ class, at the University of the Americas, in Quito. A previous diagnosis allowed to know that the students had a fairly basic knowledge about concepts of digital synthesis and use of virtual instruments, so the proposal of a guide will be very useful to solidify their knowledge. In the same way, the teachers will have a work guide and a support of concepts that will allow a fluid and orderly development of the classes.