Prevalencia de diabetes mellitus en perros mayores de 7 años con sobrepeso ICC>4
Galarza Molina, Enmanuel Leonardo
This investigation was conducted in the city of Cuenca, Province of Azuay, for determining the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) In dogs older than 7 years of age with ICC greater than 4, which was performed in 10 veterinary clinics, in 250 dogs, therefore a clinical examination was carried out, to verify signs associated with the disease (polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia y lethargic), a blood drop from the ear was obtained, which was analyzed in the glucometer to verify the levels of glucose, classifying them as hypoglycemic (<60mg/dl); normoglycemic (61-120 mg/dl); hyperglycemic (>121mg/dl). The hyperglycemic animals were associated with the symptomatology of DM. The percentages of the hypoglycemic animals were 26, 80% with an average of 55, 50 mg/dl and for normoglycemic 73, 20% with an average of 75 mg/dl. This data was determined by Kruskal Wallis testing, there is no statistically significant association between age and glucose levels (p>0, 05). With the same test, diet and glucose levels are associated (p>0, 05), consequently they are not significant. Signs like polyuria y polydipsia were present in 100 % of the patients, not with polyphagia and lethargic that are only demonstrated in 1, 2 % of the studied animals, with the test of Mann-Whitney, there is significance between glycemic and polyuria-polydipsia (p<0, 05) but not with polyphagia and lethargy which are not significant at performing the same test (p>0, 05).
In conclusion, finding no hyperglycemic animals, a zero prevalence of diabetes mellitus is determined in the study population.
Keywords: glucose levels, diabetes mellitus, glucometers, prevalence