dc.contributorAndrade Guzmán, Omar Santiago
dc.creatorGalarza Molina, Enmanuel Leonardo
dc.description.abstractThis investigation was conducted in the city of Cuenca, Province of Azuay, for determining the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) In dogs older than 7 years of age with ICC greater than 4, which was performed in 10 veterinary clinics, in 250 dogs, therefore a clinical examination was carried out, to verify signs associated with the disease (polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia y lethargic), a blood drop from the ear was obtained, which was analyzed in the glucometer to verify the levels of glucose, classifying them as hypoglycemic (<60mg/dl); normoglycemic (61-120 mg/dl); hyperglycemic (>121mg/dl). The hyperglycemic animals were associated with the symptomatology of DM. The percentages of the hypoglycemic animals were 26, 80% with an average of 55, 50 mg/dl and for normoglycemic 73, 20% with an average of 75 mg/dl. This data was determined by Kruskal Wallis testing, there is no statistically significant association between age and glucose levels (p>0, 05). With the same test, diet and glucose levels are associated (p>0, 05), consequently they are not significant. Signs like polyuria y polydipsia were present in 100 % of the patients, not with polyphagia and lethargic that are only demonstrated in 1, 2 % of the studied animals, with the test of Mann-Whitney, there is significance between glycemic and polyuria-polydipsia (p<0, 05) but not with polyphagia and lethargy which are not significant at performing the same test (p>0, 05). In conclusion, finding no hyperglycemic animals, a zero prevalence of diabetes mellitus is determined in the study population. Keywords: glucose levels, diabetes mellitus, glucometers, prevalence
dc.subjectDiabetes Canina
dc.subjectDiabetes Mellitus
dc.titlePrevalencia de diabetes mellitus en perros mayores de 7 años con sobrepeso ICC>4

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